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Update in Vulvodynia (página 2)

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  • 51. Bergeron S, Brown C, Lord MJ, Oala M, Binik YM, Khalifé S. Physical therapy for vulvar vestibulitis syndrome: a retrospective study. J Sex Marital Ther. 2002 May-Jun; 28(3):183-92.

  • 52. McKay E, Kaufman RH, Doctor U, Berkova Z, Glazer H, Redko V. Treating vulvar vestibulitis with electromyographic biofeedback of pelvic floor musculature. J Reprod Med. 2001 Apr; 46(4):337-42.

  • 53. Travell J, Simons DG. Myofascial pain and dysfunction: the trigger point manual. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1998.  Vol. 2. 1999 pp. 137-163. Ed. Pan-American.

  • 54. Weiss JM. Pelvic floor myofascial trigger points: manual therapy for interstitial cystitis and the urgency–frequency syndrome. J Urol 2001; 166:2226–31.

  • 55. Furlan A, Tulder M, Cherkin D, Tsukayama H, Lao L, Koes B, Berman B. Acupuncture and dry-needling for low back pain: An updated systematic review within the framework of the Cochrane Collaboration. Spine 2005; 30:944-963.

  • 56. Dorsher P. Trigger points and acupuncture points: Anatomic and clinical correlations. Med Acupunct 2006; 17(3):21-25.

  • 57. Murina F, Bernorio R, Palmiotto R. The use of amielle vaginal trainers as adjuvant in the treatment of vestibulodynia: an observational multicentric study. Medscape J Med. 2008 Jan 30; 10(1):23.

  • 58. National Institutes of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD). Vulvodynia: Towards Understanding a Pain Syndrome; 2003 April 14-15.

  • 59. Goldstein AT, Marinoff S, Haefner HK. Vulvodynia: strategies for treatment. Clin Obstet Gynecol 2005; 48:769-85.

  • 60. Edwards L. New concepts in vulvodynia. Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003; 189(3 Suppl):S24-30.

  • 61. Melzack R. Pain and stress: a new perspective. In: Gatchel RJ. Turk DC, editors. Psychosocial factors in pain, New York: Guilford Press. 1999: 89-106.

  • 62. Kehoe S, Luesley D. Vulvar vestibulitis treated by modified vestibulectomy. Int J Gynaecol Obstet.1999 Feb; 64(2):147-52.

  • 63. Lavy Y, Lev-Sagie A, Hamani Y, Zacut D, Ben-Chetrit A. Modified vulvar vestibulectomy: simple and effective surgery for the treatment of vulvar vestibulitis Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol. 2005 May 1; 120(1):91-5.

  • 64. Eva LJ, Narain S, Orakwue CO, Luesley DM. Is modified vestibulectomy for localized provoked vulvodynia an effective long-term treatment? A follow-up study. J Reprod Med. 2008 Jun; 53(6):435-40.

  • 65. Danielsson I, Sjöberg I, Ostman C. Acupuncture for the treatment of vulvar vestibulitis: a pilot study. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 2001; 80:437-41.

  • 66. Baggish MS, Sze EH, Johnson R. Urinary oxalate excretion and its role in vulvar pain syndrome. Am J Obstet Gynecol 1997; 177:507-11.

  • 67. Metts JF. Vulvodynia and vulvar vestibulitis: challenges in diagnosis and management. Am Fam Physician 1999; 59:1547-56.





    Itza F ?,

    Zarza D ?,

    Gómez-Sancha F 3,

    Cosgrove B4,

    Bautrant E A5.

    ? Department of Urology. Hospital Clínico San Carlos.
    Madrid. Spain.

    ? Department of Neurophysiology. Hospital de Móstoles.
    Madrid. Spain.

    3 Department of Urology. Clinica Cemtro. Madrid. Spain.

    4 Physicaltherapist .Private practise.. Madrid. Spain.

    5 Unité de réhabilitation pelvi-périnéale,
    Centre médical l"Avancée. Aix en Provence. France


    Dr. Itza.


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